Day 54: a’bouncin’ and a’rhyming

This morning was a bit hectic. It is Bounce and Rhyme at the local library on a Friday mornings. Now this sounds ridiculous, but I find it really hard to get us out of the house and into town by 10am. I know this sounds really late, but when you factor in a morning nap, getting Sandy changed, breakfast, showers, dressing, washing up, laundry, making up milks and preparing a bag, it can seem like mission impossible. I ran around like a stressed out maniac, whilst Sandy sat in her high chair licking the peanut butter and jam from her toast and laughing at me. At one point, around 9:50am, I basically threw her into the push chair and we battled our way down our narrow hall and out the door.

photo(169)I ran up the hill, pushing that heavy pushchair like a man possessed. Last time I’d got there late. I’d missed most of it and it all seemed like a disappointment after all the work to get us there. No, this time I wouldn’t be late. I did worry that I’d be sweating like an idiot by the time we got there, but I kept up a fast pace. We made OAPs spin on the spot as we whizzed past them, we cornered tight turns on two wheels, we flew up and down curbs like a gazelle.

Sweaty, tired, stressed, but perfectly on time we arrived.


I made it this time.

There was only one problem.

I forgot that Bounce and Rhyme doesn’t actually start until 11AM!


Never mind, we made a nice morning of it never-the-less and we read just about every board book there is in the place. I know the name to just about every animal baby that there is in the world. The cutest is ‘Owlets.’ What a great word.

Bounce and Rhyme was worth the wait. Sandy LOVES it. She’s been doing it a while now. Sharon used to take her along to the library in Crystal Palace, so she’s well versed in ‘Zoom, zoom, zoom..’ and ‘Five Little Monkeys.’ She really enjoys all the movement and singing, and absolutely loves shaking her rattle in time with the other kids. There was a new lady leading it today and she was great. She did some new ones that, even after ten years as a librarian, I didn’t recognise, so I learned something new as well. I can’t wait until Sandy is older and can really REALLY appreciate it. I want her to be able to sleep like a mouse and then leap to her feet like a dingly dangly scarecrow.

These sessions are completely free. You don’t get much in life for free. They’re a great leveler as well. The sessions are a nice mix of what seems like people from all backgrounds. I shouldn’t use this to judge, but I often make my own pre-conceptions using the kid’s names, which ranged from ranged from Xavier and Rowena to Kai and Chantelle. There were no other Dads there though, which is a shame.

These sessions are so invaluable to so many parents and it’s a brilliant way to get children into stories and reading. There. There’s my little promo for the library service. Once a librarian, always a librarian.

Now we’re home and Sandy is having another nap. It has nicely tired her out.

And guess what?

photo(170)It’s nearly the weekend. AND HALF TERM! We get to hang out with Mummy and hopefully I can get a couple of lie ins. YES!! And this weekend our good friends Susie and Andy are coming to visit too. It’s going to be a cracker.

See you soon,

Matt & Sandy.x

Things I learned today: Even after ten years as a librarian there are still new nursery rhymes to learn. Sleep deprivation makes you forget important things, like what time things start and which day of the week it is.

Poos: 0. Early days.

Daddy skills: 6/10.